Protection of children and minors in the Episcopal Church

We want parents to know that Episcopal Church has always worked for the protection of children, teens and minors. The Episcopal Church has always had very strong systems in place to protect our children, teens and minors.

SAFE CHURCH TRAINING is required of all clergy, diocesan employees and congregational employees. It is also required for wardens, vestry members, Eucharistic Ministers and lectors, pastoral visitors, youth leaders, Confirmation sponsors, acolyte leaders, choir directors, musicians, Faith Formation team members and volunteers working in a congregation on a regular basis.

IN ADDITION TO SAFE CHURCH TRAINING, all individuals 17 or over, who will or who may have access to children, MUST complete a CORI (Criminal background check) form prior to working or volunteering in the parish.

Because the Episcopal Church stands for the protection of children, teens and their families, we require a CORI check to be performed annually for the following people:

  • All paid parish employees
  • All vestry members
  • Any parish volunteers (all organizations, committees, etc.)
  • Anyone working with children ministries

Training teaches participants to recognize the signs of sexual abuse and the behavior of sexual perpetrators, how to respond to those signs and behaviors when they are observed, and provides screening information to help stop abuse before it happens.